Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Test Your All-Weather Driving Skills

driving in bad weather

One of the most important lessons that drivers can learn has to do with determining which techniques are appropriate for different types of weather. Not every day on the road is going to be a sunny one – you will regularly experience snow, hail, rain and even severe weather patterns like tornadoes depending on the area of the country where you live. The driver needs to act quickly in these situations, not just for their own protection but for the safety and security of everyone else inside the car.

Are you confident in your abilities to make the right decision when dealing with poor weather and driving conditions while on the road? Take the following quiz to find out exactly how you would fare in a wide variety of situations.

Bad Weather Driving Quiz

1. If you’re driving in your car and you begin to slide on ice, what is the first thing you should do?

A. Turn the wheel sharply to the left as fast as you can.

B. Hold the wheel as steady as possible while pushing down hard on the brakes.

C. Remove your foot from the accelerator and do what you can to turn the steering wheel into the direction that your car has started to slide towards.

D. Don’t really do anything at all and just see where the car goes.

ANSWER: A Take your foot off the gas pedal and steer in the direction that you want your car to travel in.

2. If your car begins to overheat and turns off while on the interstate, what do you do?

A. Carefully slow to a stop in the lane that you’re currently driving in.

B. Steer the car to the ride side of the highway or the shoulder, get out, raise the car’s hood and take a look at what is going on.

C. Get the car to the side of the road and remain inside the vehicle..

D. Try to accelerate the car in any way that you can and honk the horn to attract attention to yourself.

ANSWER: B Remain visible to all other cars on the road, but move as far off to the side as you can.

3. What do you do while driving in thick fog?

A. Slow down and turn on your car’s low beams.

B. Slow down, continue to use your regular headlights.

C. Stop in the lane that you’re driving in and wait for the fog to clear.

D. Turn on all of the interior lights of the car and continue to drive as normal.

ANSWER: A Reduce your speed, use your low beams and use the markings on the road as a guide.

4. What should you NOT do if rain is impairing your overall visibility?

A. Slow down.

B. Turn on your windshield wipers.

C. Turn on your headlights

D. Turn on your vehicle’s cruise control (if applicable).

ANSWER: A Slow down, turn on your headlights and be sure to use your windshield wipers.

5. Which one of the following situations is one where it is completely acceptable to push down on your car’s brakes as hard as possible?

A. If you’re driving and you’ve just spotted a tornado or other severe weather pattern.

B. If you’re driving and you see lightning off on the horizon.

C. If your car begins to hydroplane on roads that are covered in ice or water.

D. None of the above is a correct situation to slam on your brakes.

ANSWER: None of the above.

6. If you get caught in a severe wind pattern while driving, which of the following is something that you should NOT do?

A. Slow down and attempt to adjust your steering in any way possible.

B. Speed up and try your best to pass all RVs, buses, large trucks and other large vehicles on the road.

C. Do your best to prepare in advance for any slippery areas that you may run into while on the road.

D. Begin paying special attention to all vehicles around you on the road – including on the sides of your vehicle.

ANSWER: B Try to be aware of all vehicles around you. Be sure to reduce your speed and use good judgment when steering.

7. If your car begins to hydroplane, what is the best course of action to take?

A. Try to steer out of the situation by turning the wheel quickly.

B. Stop your car from gliding by pushing down on the brakes.

C. Leave everything alone until your tires regain their grip of the road.

D. Speed up out of the water.

ANSWER: B Ease off the gas pedal and only brake very gently if you need to.

8. What do you do if you see a tornado?

A. Try to outrun it by going faster.

B. Pull off to the side of the road and wait patiently for it to pass.

C. Get out of the car and find shelter.

D. Stop and listen to the meteorologist on the radio.

ANSWER: C Get out of your vehicle and find shelter if possible. If not, be sure to drive out of the tornado’s path.

9. What do you do if the roads are flooding?

A. Pull over and wait for it to pass.

B. Drive at a slower speed.

C. Turn off the car after pulling over.

D. Speed up.

ANSWER: None of the above. Don’t pull over or turn off the car – instead, get to higher ground and wait for the waters to recede.

10. What do you do in a hailstorm?

A. Seek shelter under a bridge or similar situation.

B. Drive at a reduced speed.

C. Park under the nearest tree.

D. Roll down your windows to prevent them from shattering.

ANSWER: A Pull into a parking garage or some other type of shelter to try to reduce hail damage as much as possible.

The post Test Your All-Weather Driving Skills appeared first on MyImprov.

from Improv Traffic School Blog

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