Blind Spot

Points are generally considered a positive mark of excellence in certain fields of work, which is why comedy defensive driving courses have no problem skewering how this couldn’t be further from the truth when it comes to your driving record. The comedic insights colorfully explain why points make insurance costs considerably higher… and can result in a license being lost permanently. With this being said, here’s a look at points, where they exist, how to minimize the damage, and why comedy defensive driving courses are here to tickle your funny bone as you’re learning about driver’s safety.

No Point States

As some states do not have a point system, a comedy defensive driving course will help articulate their alternate methods for tallying driving mistakes in a comedy format. Since alternate methods of tallying mistakes go by their own rules in certain states, a comedy defensive driving course will provide the information you’ll need to avoid having a license revoked. For example, Oregon has a system whereas four accidents – or convictions – in the window of two years can result to a thirty day penalty of the driver’s license… no matter how many banana peels were at fault. In addition to this, a comedy defensive driving course will gleefully explain how an accident makes an insurance plan significantly higher in price… which also leaves the window open for a person to lose a license without a point attributed to their driving record. The knowledge you’ll receive in a comedy defensive driving course covers violations ranging from parking tickets and small fines to DUIs and the impact it can have on your license.

The Point System & Texting

Clowning around aside, driving and texting is banned in 41 states. A comedy defensive driving course will colorfully explain the violations for driving and texting, which often depend on the state you’re ticketed in. Using humor and entertainment, a comedy defensive driving course will give you the information you’ll need to avoid looking like a Bozo behind the wheel.

How Long Do Points Last?

As an average point can last from one year to ten years on a person’s driving record, a comedy defensive driving course can give you a humorous perspective on how long certain points last on a record. Such sticky situations comedy defensive driving courses cover are:

  • Small violations and the point system.
  • A hit-and-run violation and the point system.
  • A DUI related issue and the point system.

In addition to explaining the information, a comedy defensive driving course will articulate what happens if you’re left with pie in the face in such situations.

Can I Demerit Points?

In addition to being an excellent educational opportunity, a comedy defensive driving course may help you demerit points in select states or how you take the classes. That’s right, some states will accept participation in comedy defensive driver courses as a way to minimize or dismiss a violation on your record. You don’t even have to pay for an overpriced two-drink minimum when learning – and laughing – in these wonderful classes!

Comedy Defensive Driving & You

Provided the information above, brushing up on traffic school through one of our comedy defensive driving courses isn’t such a bad idea in regards to sharing a laugh with others and gaining insightful knowledge towards becoming a better driver. Enrolling in a comedy defensive driving course will not only benefit you when it comes towards becoming a safer driver, but a course can put you in better standing if your driving history is less than great. If you happen to have previous driving violations on your record, a comedy defensive driving class can help restore your license by avoiding further points and dismissing traffic tickets as you’re busting a gut laughing in class. If you happen to be in good standing with your driving record, some car insurance companies will offer discounts for comedy defensive driving courses that comply with what you’re paying for class. Since brushing up on driving safety benefits more than just the driver, why not enroll in a comedy defensive driving course and learn in the funniest environment possible.