Psychology of Distracted Drivers

You’ve probably already seen the anti-texting commercials and billboards popping up everywhere. You’ve probably even been lectured by your parents, spouse, or friends for texting and driving. While we all know this is good advice, it doesn’t stop us from going into our phone and checking our messages and emails, or answering phone calls.

It’s difficult to imagine you’re putting yourself into danger because nothing has happened to you yet. As a multitasker, you believe that sending a text, changing the radio station, and driving makes you a skilled driver. You’re soon going to find out distracted driving is never a good idea.

Although it is illegal to text and drive in 46 states there are still drivers on the road who are texting while operating a motor vehicle. In a 2014 study by AT&T and the University Of Connecticut School Of Medicine, 90% of survey participants admitted to texting while driving even though they knew the possible consequences. Nearly ¾ also disclosed that they have looked at their cell phones while driving.

According to Dr. David Greenfield, who conducted the 2014 study, we are all addicted to our cell phones. We constantly tell ourselves that just one text won’t be dangerous even know we are very well aware that it is. That one “quick” glance we all convince ourselves we are doing caused 26% car accidents in 2012. They were all caused by distracted driving.

Dr. Greenfield explained that our texting and driving habits may be caused by the fact that our bodies release Dopamine when we take part in a dangerous activity. This is the same neurochemical that is released when we experience positive feedback as well as when we drink alcohol, use drugs, or speed on the highway and get away with it. We easily talk ourselves into speeding because we are late and all of the other cars are doing it anyway. We drink a little too much then get behind the wheel thinking there’s just no possibility we’d ever get caught drinking and driving. Everyone doubts they’ll ever become a statistic until the unexpected happens. Unfortunately, these types of behavior can cause car accidents, injury, and even death.

When these type of cases go to court both the city and the state have to prove that the driver was being negligent in a way that endangered property and people. Phone providers are required to turn over records when served a subpoena. That means that the City and State can get proof if you were texting while driving, and therefore, being negligent.

If you are caught texting and driving in one of the states where it is illegal, you will be given a traffic ticket, including at stoplights. To avoid this type of traffic infraction you should put your phone away while driving and if you need to send a text, turn on the GPS, or make a phone call you can always pull over and do so. The only time using your phone is allowed while driving is if you’re calling the authorities.

If you get a traffic ticket for texting while driving you will not only have to pay the ticket, you’ll get points on your license and also have to pay higher insurance costs. If you’re driving a commercial vehicle while texting, your consequences will be even worse because it is considered a major and serious moving offense.

By being a safe driver, you avoid traffic infractions entirely and can minimize the possibility of accidents, both which help minimize insurance premiums. Taking an online defensive driving course can also help you become a better driver and get additional insurance discounts. If you’ve already received a traffic infraction, depending on your state, you may be able to avoid getting points on your license by taking a traffic school course.