Friday, November 14, 2014

Fleet Driver Safety Check

fleet drivers

Checkup For Safe Driving

Combining a sober message with a fun quiz and a prize helps drivers keep safety top of mind.

Most vehicle fleet operators have safety programs, and the message of safety is usually shared with drivers.

Although the message has probably made an impact, reviewing the program and providing drivers with safety refreshers is always a good idea.

One of the most interactive, fun and effective ways of doing this is including a quiz in a business’ newsletter or on Facebook — with a prize (for correctly answering the most questions) to motivate participants.

Here is a sample of a safety quiz to help give a jump start to participatory programs focusing on safety.

Safety Quiz

1 – Late one night, you observe a car behind you maneuvering erratically; the driver is veering out of his lane and tailgating, and he has his high beams on. You believe the driver is impaired. You:

a. Speed up to put distance between you and the car so you can avoid a crash.

b. Stop at the next well-lighted, public place and call the police to report the incident.

c. Turn at the next intersection and hope the driver behind you continues going straight.

d. Tap your brakes to let the other drive know he should allow more space between the cars.

2 – If your tire blows out at full speed on the highway, you should:

a. Hit the brakes hard and turn your steering wheel to the right.

b. Keep control of the car, remove your foot from the gas and coast onto the highway shoulder.

c. Keep the car under control and proceed to the next auto service center.

d. Hit the brakes hard and keep driving, although more slowly, to the nearest exit.

3 – A wreck has happened just in front of your car on a very busy highway with multiple lanes. You:

a. Move to another lane and then brake.

b. Hit the brakes hard and stay in your lane until your car comes to a stop.

c. Pump the brakes and try to move off the highway.

d. Hit the brakes hard and move to a different lane.

4 – You’re going 45 miles per hour on a two-lane, rural road with a double yellow line in the center. As you near a slight curve to your left, a car coming toward you is going around a truck and is partly in your lane, which forces your right wheels to the shoulder of the road. You:

a. Steer to the left to get back on the road.

b. Hit the brakes hard to reduce your speed as quickly as possible.

c. Remove your foot from the gas and let your right wheels stay on the shoulder if it’s safe, and allow the car to slow to a safer speed before trying to get back on the road fully.

d. Speed up and turn the steering wheel gently to your left to get back on the road.

5 – You’re increasing your speed on an expressway entrance ramp, preparing to merge in, when you see that a car in the lane to your right is increasing speed to pull in front of you. You:

a. Speed up to merge into the expressway even faster.

b. Use your brakes to slow down and wait for the next chance to merge.

c. Slow down by moving into the shoulder area, and once the other driver is in front of you, speed up and merge in behind the car.

d. Turn on your lights and use the horn to help secure your spot in the lane.

6 – The car in front of you begins to slide sideways on an overpass with multiple lanes and will likely completely spin around because the driver doesn’t have control of the car. You:

a. Hit your brakes hard to stop as quickly as you can.

b. Tap your brakes gently and move into another lane.

c. Remove your foot from the gas and steer gently to the right shoulder.

d. Speed up and switch lanes to get around the skidding car.

7 – You’re nearing an intersection with a four-way flashing red light and stop signs on each corner. Another car is preparing to stop to your right. You:

a. Speed through the intersection to stay ahead of the other driver.

b. Come to a complete stop and let the other driver go ahead.

c. Come to a complete stop, then immediately enter the intersection.

d. Make eye contact, use your horn and then move into the intersection.

8 – You know you should check your tires’ air pressure on a regular basis, but when and how often should it be done?

a. Anytime you stop for gas.

b. When you get an oil change.

c. Weekly, in the morning, or at least before the tires can heat up.

d. Isn’t that what TPMS is for?

9 – For appropriate control of your vehicle, your hands should be in what position?

a. One arm out the window and the other draped over the top of the steering wheel.

b. One hand on the bottom of the steering wheel and the other gripping your cell phone.

c. One hand at the 9 o’clock spot, the other at 3 o’clock.

d. Both hands on the steering wheel’s middle crossbar.

10 – When there is a green arrow on a left turn signal at an intersection, you may not turn when it changes to green although there is oncoming traffic:

a. True.

b. False.

Quiz Answers

1. b. Your safety is most important. Pull into a well-lighted, public area and use your cell or a public phone to call the authorities.

2. b. Whether your tire blowout is in the front or back, you must keep control of the vehicle. To do so, remove your foot from the gas and let the vehicle reduce speed on its own. Once you have the car under control, move to the should before trying to make a repair.

3. b. For vehicles with ABS brakes, brake hard and keep the brakes pressed down until you stop or at least until you slow down enough to steer safely around the wreck.

4. c. Remove your foot from the gas and allow the vehicle to slow down before you attempt to return to the road. Going 45 miles per hour, a quick movement of the steering wheel can propel you across the road, into a ditch or oncoming traffic.

5. c. A good defensive driver will reduce speed and use the entire merge lane and the right shoulder, if needed, to let the other drive establish their position ahead.

6. c. Because you can’t be sure where the sliding car will eventually come to rest, you should remove your foot from the gas and steer toward the right shoulder. Stopping abruptly could result in a rear-end collision. The best defensive driving method is to reduce speed, allow more following distance and move toward the road shoulder.

7. b. The laws in every state agree: Legal right-of-way belongs to the driver to your immediate right at any four-way intersection with a flashing red light or a stop sign.

8. c. Air expands when it’s heated, and tires get hot after a car is driven for a while. The highest degree of accuracy when checking air pressure is before you start driving. By checking on a weekly basis, you can look out for any damage to the sidewalls or tire wear.

9. c. Both hands should be on the steering wheel, providing you with the best safety and control. Putting your left hand in the 9 o’clock position while your right hand is at 3 o’clock gives you the best control of steering in all situations.

10. b. False. Unless local rules indicate otherwise, you only need to wait at a left-turn signal when there is both a green arrow and a red stop light. In every other case, a left turn after the green arrow light goes out is legal as long as the turn is made safely and during the green cycle of the primary light at the intersection.

Did you know that Improv Comedy Traffic School offers a range of fleet driver training courses designed to improve driving skills, increase productivity, and ensure that your fleet is operating at the highest level possible? In addition, we can make your life easier with a fleet management application that easily and efficiently helps you manage your operations and keeps your business running smoothly.

The post Fleet Driver Safety Check appeared first on MyImprov.

from Improv Traffic School Blog

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